a collaborative space to work through your fears

My goal as a christian counselor is to help you break free of whatever your chains are. As someone who grew up in the church I understand being fearful to tell someone, let alone talk to God when I had sinned, I felt buried in guilt and shame. It was a confusing, lonely, and tiring place that I wish I wouldn’t have gone into alone. 

My hope for you is that while you are sharpening your knowledge of the Word, your connection with God and His plans for your life will also be revealed. Together we can explore what it means to be made in His image and live in His promises while simultaneously living in a broken, fallen world. He desires deep-seated joy and freedom for you. He doesn’t call the equipped but He equips the called and HE has called you to break free!

He desires freedom for you!

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

What if you could enter into a space where your mental health and spirituality could both be honored? Have you ever thought that your anger, pride, anxiety, trauma, or relationship obstacles could lead you into deep intimacy with God? 

I believe that approaching our issues from a holistic point of view including the body, mind, and spirit will produce lasting growth. As Christians we know we are not immune to the struggles of our world and Christian counseling can help with but is not limited in understanding and overcoming: 

  • Addictions

  • Anger

  • Anxiety

  • Depression 

  • Grief and loss

  • Guilt

  • Hopelessness 

  • Low self-esteem and self-confidence 

  • Marital problems  

  • Parenting guidance  

  • Relationship issues 

  • Shame

  • Spiritual exploration 

  • Substance use/abuse 

how therapy works

  • Using the email link on my website - here - you will be able to reach out regarding counseling services.

  • I will reach back out regarding counseling services and we will schedule a 15-minute phone consultation. This service is free and I offer this to ensure before we begin working together that we are a good fit.

  • After our phone consultation and agreement to begin working together, you will receive an email from SimplePractice, the telehealth platform that I use. The link to the portal will allow you to create a login, password, and submit your card information (credit, debit, or HSA). There will be paperwork sent to your portal to fill out, we will also fill out paperwork upon your first session.

  • Now we wait for our first session together. You will be sent a video link reminder from SimplePractice prior to our session, there is the option to be sent an email or text reminder upon beginning treatment. I suggest taking advantage of this so we never miss a session and so that you aren't billed for any no-shows!