Online Therapy


You may be thinking “Online therapy? What? How am I supposed to lay on my therapist's couch if we have a screen and miles between us?” I thought this at one point too, but online therapy, also called telecare or telehealth has been a lifesaver for myself and many of my clients who are facing barriers to treatment at the moment. Due to COVID-19, I do not offer in person services at the moment. All sessions are conducted via telehealth using a platform called Simple Practice. While all sessions are conducted using telehealth, I am only licensed to serve clients in Washington State.


Over the last few years online therapy has become extremely popular. It can be a great tool for people who cannot access care due to their location, health status, transportation, specified treatment needs, or simply for those who do not wish to meet in person. 

  • Convenient and accessible care for diverse populations

  • Upholds client confidentiality 

  • Increases client comfort 

  • Ease of entry into the therapeutic relationship

  • Ensures time consistency with your therapist

If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts or experiencing an emotional crisis and you reside in the King County Area, contact The King County Crisis Line at 1-866-427-4747 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance. If you or someone you know is in a physical crisis, please call 911.

how therapy works

  • Using the email link on my website - here - you will be able to reach out regarding counseling services.

  • I will reach back out regarding counseling services and we will schedule a 15-minute phone consultation. This service is free and I offer this to ensure before we begin working together that we are a good fit.

  • After our phone consultation and agreement to begin working together, you will receive an email from SimplePractice, the telehealth platform that I use. The link to the portal will allow you to create a login, password, and submit your card information (credit, debit, or HSA). There will be paperwork sent to your portal to fill out, we will also fill out paperwork upon your first session.

  • Now we wait for our first session together. You will be sent a video link reminder from SimplePractice prior to our session, there is the option to be sent an email or text reminder upon beginning treatment. I suggest taking advantage of this so we never miss a session and so that you aren't billed for any no-shows!